SRCE (Croatian for heart) is a science+art project. Using DIY (Do it yourself) biotechnology or biohacking, in his own kitchen, the author has been experimenting with developing a technique for growing human replacement organs (starting with heart).

The experiments where more then successfully, as they have resulted with an innovative technique and a prototype of a biological scaffold for growing human replacement heart produced from microbial cellulose (experimental bio-material, grown in a DIY bioreactor using Gluconacetobacter xylinus bacteria with a help of household chemicals as experimental growth medium. The heart scaffold was made by cutting microbial cellulose and sewing it in an anatomically correct form of a human heart. Later, this scaffold can be used for grafting heart tissue cells since it is biocompatible and will be degraded when the cells grow. With this technique we are now able to produce replacement organs for people who need it using just few of their cells. Although SRCE is more of a science innovation than an art piece, the process of creation had a huge «art note» in it, and the prototype was so aesthetically
pleasing, that the author has decided to exhibit it at numerous science+art or new media art exhibitions as an science innovation & a BioArt piece to boost awareness in general audience on heart disease problems & lack of funding
research that is not profitable because it could actually cure diseases and reduce pharmaceutical sales & consumption.
The artifact was exhibited in &TD Teatar gallery (Zagreb, HR), Arts Catalyst (London,UK), Makerfaire (Newcastle, UK).