HackteriaLab 2014 program (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) is the fourth edition of an intensive two-week transdisciplinary collaboration amongst international and local artists, hackers, activists, scientists, and designers. Hacketria lab 2014 is produced and organised by Hackteria – Open source biological art and Lifepatch – citizen initiative in art, science & technology in collaboration with network of local and international partners including UR Institute.
HackteriaLab 2014 expands on ideas and methodologies about BioArt, DIY biology, Appropriate Technology, ArtScience and BioHacking, developed during the previous versions of HackteriaLab 2011 – Romainmotier and HackteriaLab 2010 – Dock18/Zürich in Switzerland and HackteriaLab_2013_-_Bangalore in India. Within the framework of “Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art”, the HackteriaLab immersive format plays a key role in experimentation and the development of new models for knowledge sharing and collaboration building, in the emergent artistic practices related to bio- and nanotechnology and science in general.
HackteriaLab is a form of cultural intervention, contributing to the development of our contemporary culture and art milieu. It creates a melting pot of the practices of art and science, of culture and environment. It aims to broaden the
intercultural knowledge exchange and realizes this know-how through workshops, participatory prototype exhibitions and online wiki-like documentations. HackteriaLab 2014 connected international artists and scientists in collaboration with local communities, which have been intensively working with specific local social and ecological issues in Yogyakarta.

The program included collaborative exploration of three local environmental problems: pollution of water (local Code river) with plastic waste, pollution of soil with heavy metals due to activity of local volcano (Merapi) and problem of
disappearing rainforrest (Wonosadi) and its biodiversity (due to urbanization). After field research collaborative projects where designed and made with a goal of bringing international public awareness on these eco-social problems and
opening doors to innovative solutions through prototyping.
The main collaborative lab-phase was prequeled by A number of smaller events, workshops, residencies and exhibitions.

The whole research and development process had strong base in lab open-door policy, enabling citizens to drop by and participate whenever during the program. On completion, the results of this international program were exhibited at the Langgeng art foundation gallery.